The state of Pennsylvania punishes DUI offenses severely, including mandatory license suspension and if you are caught driving while your license is suspended for a previous DUI, the penalties increase significantly. This was the situation a personal trainer and former United Sates Marine found himself in when he was pulled over in Yeadon, PA. Since he was under DUI suspension at the time, the man was now facing a minimum 60-day jail sentence and a hefty fine. He obviously wanted to avoid spending any time in jail so he hired Delaware County DUI attorney Michael Fienman to evaluate his options.

Attorney Fienman used his wide-ranging knowledge of the traffic code and procedure to advise his client on how to proceed. After strategically postponing his court date for several months, the man was able to restore his driver’s license. By the time he needed to appear in court to address the DUI suspension charge, Fienman had negotiated to have the citation withdrawn. Ultimately, his client saw no jail time, was not required to pay a single dollar to the court, and did not receive any other legal ramifications for his driving under DUI suspension charge. Perhaps most important, after the experience, the man had a valid Pennsylvania driver license.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

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