One evening, a freshman temple student was stopped while walking with a red solo cup in hand. When the police asked about its contents, the young woman admitted that it was wine. She was cited for underage drinking and contacted an attorney to deal with it.

The situation was complicated because she lives out of state, and the hearing was scheduled during a break from school. However, attorney Michael Fienman appeared on her behalf without her having to drive into Philadelphia from three states away.

Attorney Fienman resolved her case by enrolling her in a summary diversion program and arranged for her to take a class when she returned for school the following semester. Once the student completes an alcohol diversion class, the charges will be dismissed. So without making a court appearance, this out of state student saw no adverse consequences.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

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