A Hatboro man was recently pulled over for driving on a suspended license and driving with a suspended vehicle registration. The man was facing his fifth driving under a suspended license charge. After a driver’s license consultation with experienced criminal defense attorney Michael Fienman, it was clear that he would not qualify for a valid license until first completing his on-going suspension term.
The police officer at the scene was adamant about giving our client significant penalties, making it difficult to negotiate any results in our favor. However, Fienman fought fervently to ensure that his client would not see an additional suspension. After negotiating for a lesser charge of failure to be licensed to drive a car, our client’s vehicle registration citation was thrown out, and he was not given any additional license suspension time. At the end of his remaining probation term, he will immediately qualify for a license restoration.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.
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