While youthful indiscretion is a natural part of growing up, it is important to remember that if your mistake escalates into criminal charges it is essential to consult an experienced criminal defense lawyer, who can advise you on how to avoid potentially life-altering consequences. For example, attorney Michael Fienman assisted a high school honor student from Lansdale, PA who got herself into some legal trouble after she admitted to consuming alcohol while underage. Evidently, officers stopped a car that she was riding in for speeding and during routine questioning, the young lady stated that she was on her way home from a party, where she had a few drinks. She was subsequently charged with underage drinking and with hopes of one day becoming a teacher, she did not want to have a criminal conviction affecting her education or even worse limiting any future career opportunities.
Montgomery County defense attorney Michael Fienman used his considerable experience handling underage drinking cases to facilitate his young client’s participation in an alternative adjudication program. After completing this diversion program and 20 hours of community service, the court will dismiss her underage drinking charges so she can easily move past this transgression without the trappings of a conviction.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.