A CDL holder was pulled over in his semi for going 29 miles over the 25 miles per hour limit. This put his commercial license at risk. Believing that the ticket was unjustified because the limit was recently changed, the man decided to fight the ticket without a lawyer. This understandably ended with the ticket being upheld.

With extensive traffic law experience in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, attorney Fienman has several long-standing relationships with over the road drivers and trucking company owners. As a result, the man’s employer recommended attorney Fienman to defend this man’s license. On appeal, attorney Fienman negotiated to have the original speeding offense reduced to a mere 10 miles over the limit for two points. This spared him from a five-point violation and probably saved his job.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

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