Probation Secured for Client in Paraphernalia Case

Posted: August 22, 2024 in Case Results

Attorney Fienman successfully represented a client charged with possession of paraphernalia under challenging circumstances. His client was experiencing a seizure when EMS and police arrived on the scene. Upon their arrival, the client’s wife informed the police that he was…

One Client, Two Cases, Both Expunged

Posted: August 13, 2024 in Case Results, Drug Crimes

Attorney Fienman represented a client twice for two separate legal issues he had been facing. The first was on drug possession. His client had been walking through Valley Forge Casino when a bag of cocaine accidentally fell out of the…

Favorable Outcome in Illegal U-Turn Citation Case

Posted: July 17, 2024 in Case Results, Traffic Defense

Attorney Fienman’s client faced two citations requiring resolution in the Philadelphia traffic court: an illegal U-turn and a citation for no insurance. Through skilled representation, Attorney Fienman achieved the dismissal of the insurance citation. Since the U-turn citation carried no…