A 27-year-old surgical technician working for a well-known orthopedic group in the Philadelphia area wanted legal representation on misdemeanor marijuana possession and drug paraphernalia charges that he was facing in Bucks County. Doylestown criminal defense attorney Michael Fienman was hired only a day or two before his court hearing. Despite the short timeframe, the man was able to provide necessary documentation and Fienman immediately reviewed the case and prepared the file for court.

Each of our client’s charges were punishable by up to one year in jail. If found guilty of the marijuana possession charge, the man would also face a six-month license suspension. Fienman negotiated with the Commonwealth for a dismissal of the marijuana charge in exchange for a guilty plea for the paraphernalia charge. Our client was spared a license suspension, jail time and ended up with only six months of probation – a favorable outcome.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

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