Recently, a Villanova student-athlete who had just acquired a prestigious position with a Wall Street firm ran into a fairly embarrassing legal predicament that would likely end his career before it began. This young man evidently had a little too much to drink one evening and after relieving himself in the parking lot of a convenient store, he was cited for public intoxication and urinating in public. While this type of arrest would be awkward for anyone to deal with, he had the added difficulty of endangering his new job if this matter was not resolved quickly. The desire to find a capable and skilled Radnor Township criminal defense lawyer brought him to the offices of Fienman Defense.

After consulting with his client, attorney Michael Fienman immediately got to work. In order to resolve his case expeditiously and in the most favorable way possible, attorney Fienman negotiated to have the charges dismissed and later expunged the young man’s record. By choosing to have a tenacious criminal defense attorney, this young man achieved an exceptional result to a difficult problem in less than six weeks, with no negative repercussions to his blossoming career.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

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