Many DUI lawyers attempt to negotiate for a favorable outcome, but if not immediately available, they will simply take the matter to trial or resolve things for a less than optimal result. However, in a clear example of going above and beyond, attorney Fienman assisted a young military veteran after being charged with DUI following a minor accident on I-95 near the Philadelphia Airport.
As a Delaware resident, the client was concerned about the impact on his career and driver’s license. This fueled attorney Fienman’s pursuits, and after seven court appearances, he facilitated an outcome that met his client’s needs. By writing letters of reconsideration and utilizing his expansive network of connections, Attorney Fienman was able to have this young veteran admitted into the ARD program rather than taking his chances in court.
Upon completion of ARD, the DUI will be expunged, and there would be no negative consequences to his Delaware license. By choosing an attorney who knew how to approach challenges and what would be effective, this client achieved the result he deserved.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.
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