Not long ago, in Bucks County, PA a 24-year-old man was pulled over on I-95 and charged with a DUI after he was witnessed swerving and going over 100 miles per hour on I-95 near Bensalem, PA. The situation was worsened by the officer’s dash cam video, showing him barely able to stand and severely slurring his words. The man also had a prior DUI offense, making this his second DUI, and under Pennsylvania law, he was facing a minimum sentence of 90-days in jail. Because he did not want to be incarcerated for a second offense, he reached out to the experienced Bucks County DUI attorney, Michael Fienman for his assistance.

Despite the incriminating video evidence, Attorney Michael Fienman was unwavering in his pursuit to reduce the penalty for his client. Attorney Fienman effectively negotiated with the prosecutors’ office and successfully arranged for his client to serve the required 90-day sentence under house arrest instead of jail. This result was a huge win, based on the client’s previous DUI history.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

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