If you’ve been charged with a crime like a DUI in Chester County, PA you will need a criminal defense lawyer like Michael Fienman, who has experience maneuvering through this usually stringent municipality. Recently, a young man and his girlfriend had a few drinks and decided to head to a local convenient store for some late night snacks. After they ate, the pair continued to drink in the parking lot and wound up falling asleep in the car, only to be roused by police. The young man, who had yet to turn 21-years-old now found himself charged with his second DUI offense and faced an 18-month license suspension and a mandatory 90 days in jail. With the stakes being so high, the man knew that he needed top tier legal advice; therefore, he reached out to the experienced Chester County DUI attorney Michael Fienman based on his success handling similar cases.
During his consultation, attorney Fienman advised him that he thought the man’s case had a good chance of succeeding at trial. However, the young man wanted to take responsibility for his behavior and spare everyone from a difficult trial by pleading guilty. In an effort to get his client the help he needed, the young man entered an in-patient rehab facility for approximately three months. Upon his release, Mr. Fienman met with him prior to his sentencing hearing, where they discussed his progress. This preparation proved extremely valuable in his sentencing hearing because after Fienman passionately advocated to have his client’s time in treatment considered in lieu of incarceration, the judge also asked the man directly about his progress. Due to his client’s ability to articulate his desire to improve and take responsibility, the judge sentenced the young man to merely four days in jail, coupled with a three-year probation period. By utilizing his attorney’s instrumental advice and knowledge of Chester County practices, the man drastically limited the time he needed to spend behind bars, which was a huge win, based on the original circumstances.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.