Legal Blog


Livestreaming Apps and Police

Apr 28 2015 in Legal Blog, Technology & Law

If you ever have watched news broadcast an event live, you have experienced livestreaming. For years we have used video of events to see what unfolds in real time, as it is happening. This is known as livestreaming footage. Livestreaming has existed online for years…

E-Z Pass Speeding Enforced

Jan 19 2015 in Legal Blog, Traffic Defense

Although very convenient for paying tolls and saving time, the E-Z pass requires safer driving standards than if you do not have a pass. Here in Pennsylvania, if you are caught by a police officer or toll booth worker speeding through a toll plaza at…

Pros and Cons of Police Body Cameras

Nov 25 2014 in Legal Blog

In the wake of the Ferguson, Missouri incident, police interactions with the public have come under increased media scrutiny, and the debate over police body cameras has been placed in the spotlight. Many police departments see great benefits associated with the cameras, while others hesitate…