What You Need To Know About Making Repairs Or Selling An Offensive Weapon
Offensive weapons that are prohibited in Pennsylvania to use, own, repair, sell or deal in, include:
- Bombs
- Grenades
- Machine guns
- Sawed-off shotguns with a barrel less than 18 inches
- Firearms specially made or specially adapted for concealment or silent discharge
- Any blackjack, sandbag, metal knuckles, dagger, knife, razor or cutting instrument, the blade of which is exposed in an automatic way by switch, push-button or spring mechanism
- Any stun gun, stun baton, taser or other electronic or electric weapon
- Other weapons that inflict serious bodily injury and which serve no common lawful purpose.
Pennsylvania law makes exceptions for people who sell or possess offensive weapons strictly as curios or for use in dramas, except for bombs, grenades or incendiary devices.
What To Do If You Are Charged
If you are charged with selling or repairing an offensive weapon, you will need to retain an experienced criminal defense attorney very quickly.
As with most criminal charges, you should not talk to the police or prosecutors without your attorney by your side. What you say can be taken out of context and used against you. If the police question you, tell them you want a lawyer and politely refuse to answer their questions.
What Your Lawyer Can Do
Your attorney will examine the issues in your case, such as:
- Determining if the weapon in question was actually an offensive weapon.
- Determining if you fall under one of the rule’s exceptions.
- Determining if the police had probable cause to search you and find the offensive weapon.
Your lawyer will be looking at every avenue that can help you, so it’s important that you give them all of the information that can support your case.
Be sure to give your attorney a list of everyone who was a witness to the action that resulted in your charges.
How A Lawyer Will Help
When you are up against a selling or repairing an offensive weapon charge, even before your first hearing you will be facing a determined prosecutor. You need a defense attorney who can clearly explain your options and help you achieve the best outcome for your situation.
Pennsylvania Selling or Repairing an Offensive Weapon Law
Selling or repairing an offensive weapon is described and defined under Pennsylvania Criminal Code under Title 18 Chapter 61. Read the code here.
Questions? Contact us today.
Based on the evidence, Fienman Defense will try to show that that the charges should be dismissed. Should the case go to trial, we will fight to present the strongest defense possible for your situation.