The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) will add points to your driving record for your alleged violation. If you accumulate points, it can lead to complications like paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars more in car insurance premiums. You even risk having your license suspended.

By retaining a defense attorney who is experienced in fighting back against speeding tickets and traffic violations, it is possible to get your points reduced or even avoid them altogether. This makes hiring a defense attorney a good investment since you may be able to save significantly on your insurance costs for years.

Six Or More Points On Your Record

In Pennsylvania, most moving traffic violations add points to your record. If, for example, you plead guilty to not stopping for a red light, PennDOT will add three points to your record.

When you have six or more points, the penalties can really complicate your life.

  • Your insurance company will be notified and your rates will probably go up.
  • After your first six points, you will have to pass a written exam. If you don’t pass it within 30 days, your license will be suspended until you do. If you pass the test, two points will be taken off your driving record.
  • After your second six points, you will have to appear at a PennDOT hearing. If you fail to appear, your license will automatically be suspended for 60 days. If you appear, the hearing officer will make one of the following determinations:
    1. You receive no punishment but no points will be taken off your record.

    2. Your license should be suspended for 15 days. After the suspension, two points will be taken off your record.

    3. You may be asked to take an on-road exam. If you pass, two points will be taken off your record. If you fail, your license will be suspended until you do pass.

  • After your third (or more) six points, you will have to appear at a PennDOT hearing. The hearing officer will probably suspend your license for 30 days and no points will be removed from your record. If you fail to appear, your license will automatically be suspended until you do.
  • If you are 18 or under, your license can be suspended for 90 days if you accumulate six points.

As you can see, a clean driving record is worth fighting for. You will pay less in car insurance fees and you will not risk losing your license.

How A Lawyer Will Help

When you are up against a traffic violation, you need an attorney who will stand by you every step of the way, work hard to discredit any evidence – and work with you to determine your best course of action.

Pennsylvania Traffic Violation Law

Traffic violation is described and defined under The Pennsylvania Code under Title 75. Read the code here.

Questions? Contact us today.

Based on the evidence, Fienman Defense will try to get your traffic violation charges dismissed or lowered. Should the case go to a hearing or trial, we will fight to present the strongest defense possible for your situation.