From your education and training, you understand that any unlawful or unethical behavior on your part either in or outside of the workplace may subject you to the loss of your pharmacy license. If you are faced with an allegation of wrongdoing, whether it involves a DUI, criminal charge, or some other workplace infraction that puts your license at risk, it is vital for you to have an experienced pharmacist license defense attorney on your side to provide you with the representation that you need at this critical time.
At Fienman Defense, we understand the stress you’re feeling if your pharmacy license is under examination by the State. Through effective representation, we can negotiate and advocate on your behalf to minimize and, if possible, eliminate potential consequences you are facing – including the suspension or revocation of your license.
Call Fienman Defense today at (215) 839-9529, or contact us online to request a review of your case.
Why You Need a Pharmacy License Defense Attorney
As a pharmacist license defense attorney, you may feel that you have the adequate skills to deal with the Pennsylvania State Board of Pharmacy regarding their examination and evaluation of the status of your pharmacy license. However, often times, it’s not the right choice to defend yourself without legal counsel.
There are a vast number of legal procedures and administrative rules you must follow correctly in order to properly respond to the requirements of the Board and defend yourself adequately throughout the process. This important work is best handled by an adept and experienced pharmacy license defense attorney who can gather the facts of your case and present your defense before the Board in the most effective manner possible.
DUI Convictions as a Pharmacist License Lawyer
You may have asked the question, “Can I be a pharmacist with a DUI?” Under Pennsylvania law, pharmacists are required to report a DUI conviction to the State Board of Pharmacy. The Professional Compliance Office of the Board reviews the cases presented to them on an individual basis. Based on the facts of each case, the Board determines appropriate penalties. Depending on the nature of the offense, a pharmacist may be directed to the Professional Health Monitoring Program’s Voluntary Recovery Program for treatment. Consulting with a pharmacist license lawyer can help guide you through this process and ensure the best possible outcome for your case.
As a pharmacist facing a DUI conviction or some other allegation of substance abuse, you may also be subjected to legal penalties involving fines, prison time, or mandatory treatment. These consequences are in addition to your license being at risk for suspension or revocation.
If you find yourself in such a position, having a skilled pharmacy license defense lawyer representing you in both the legal courtroom and administrative hearing settings is essential.
Secundum Artem Reaching Pharmacists With Help (SARPH)
For pharmacists in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who have found themselves suffering from alcohol or substance abuse, Secundum Artem Reaching Pharmacists With Help (SARPH) is a nonprofit program designed to help save the licenses of pharmacists who participate in its drug screenings and meetings. This organization works with the Board of Pharmacy to monitor and treat pharmacists who suffer from substance abuse issues.
If you are facing a hearing in front of the Board of Pharmacy, our legal team will work with SARPH, and request that a SARPH member appear before the Board to testify on your behalf. This may have a positive influence on the Board in avoiding the suspension or revocation of your pharmacy license.
The Administrative Hearing Process
The State Board of Pharmacy proceeds with the misconduct allegations against pharmacists by first conducting an investigation. After any investigation, the Board may decide to file charges against you which will be explained in an Order to Show Cause. However, in conjunction with an experienced pharmacist license lawyer working on your behalf, you may be able to work out a negotiated solution with the Board to minimize the collateral consequences you are facing.
If your case goes to a hearing, then both the prosecution and defense will have an opportunity to offer motions in the case. Additionally, your defense attorney will have the opportunity to gather important documents that the prosecution intends to present at the hearing.
Before your case concludes in a decision and order by the Board, you and your attorney may have the option to submit to a consent decree. This will require you to take responsibility for a portion of the allegations you’re facing, while allowing you to receive some form of relief regarding the level of penalty imposed by the Board. For example, you may be able to avoid the loss of your pharmacy license.
Contact an Experienced Pharmacy License Defense Lawyer
At Fienman Defense, we understand your reputation, pharmacy license, freedom, and future is at stake while you’re facing allegations of wrongdoing. Whether you are a licensed pharmacist with DUI concerns or you are facing some other charge that threatens your livelihood, we are here to represent you vigorously at both the criminal court and administrative hearing levels.
Take the first step and schedule a case evaluation. Call Fienman Defense today at (215) 839-9529.