No matter the crime, if you find yourself charged with any type of criminal offense in the Philadelphia area, it is important to find a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney who can effectively navigate the court system and advocate for your best interests. This was the lesson a college student learned after allegedly drinking too much and becoming belligerent when the police attempted to break up a party. This exchange eventually led to the young man being charged with underage possession/consumption of alcohol. While the young man was certainly embarrassed by his behavior, he was unsure of how to deal with a criminal charge or what the long-term impact on his future could be, so he turned to Fienman Defense in his time of need.
Philadelphia criminal defense attorney Michael Fienman discussed the charge in detail and with extensive experience dealing with student crimes, he began negotiating on his behalf. During these discussions, attorney Fienman successfully facilitated his young client’s participation in a summary diversion program, which included a $200 fine and a Saturday morning class about alcohol abuse. After completing this program, the court will withdraw the underage possession of alcohol charge and after an expungement, he can easily move on with his life without too much inconvenience.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.
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