Sometimes, the police become involved in chaotic situations, and when emotions run high, typically law abiding citizens can overreact and not only find themselves seriously hurt, but also charged with life-altering offenses. If you are ever caught up in a regrettable situation in the Philadelphia area, it is important to reach out to a skilled criminal defense attorney, like Michael Fienman, who has widespread experience and can help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Not long ago, at the Fillmore Philadelphia, a man became very inebriated during a concert and when he became noticeably abrasive, officers approached him. Instead of complying with the officers’ requests, the situation escalated and the man was tased before being arrested and charged with aggravated assault on a police officer. This charge is graded as a second-degree felony because it was committed against a protected class and usually results in considerable time behind bars.

When he was faced with the very real prospect of incarceration, this college student decided to consult with an accomplished legal professional to review his available options. Attorney Mike Fienman met with his client and reviewed all the evidence to craft a strong defense. Due to the severity of the charge, negotiations with the parties involved were difficult; however, through his zealous representation, attorney Fienman eventually secured an agreement that kept his client out of prison. While his client needed to serve four years of probation, he took comfort in the fact that this result spared him from what could have been a devastating ending.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

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